
Showing posts from August 15, 2017

TRAVEL TIPS: Traveling With Tweens and Teens: 7 Tips for Success

More than a decade ago, our young family embarked on our first travel adventure. Our boys were just 8 months old and 2 years old at the time. We packed our double Graco stroller, a suitcase full of diapers, a sippy cup or two and off we went. We spent a month in Greece navigating the cobble-stoned streets of Athens and island beaches. Did we face challenges? You bet’cha! It was exhausting and wonderful all at the same time, sort of like that early morning pilates class you almost pressed snooze on. Now those same two boys are in their tween and teen years. We have continued to travel the globe together and have explored 27 countries in the past 12 years. While many things have gotten a whole lot easier, it would be a lie to say that now travel is just easy-peasy all the time. Challenges still present themselves. A family trip without any trials at all simply doesn’t exist. Have you heard the quote, “Nothing easy is ever worthwhile”?… Well, traveling with kids (of any age) certainly f...

TRAVEL TIPS: How to Keep Your Family Safe When Traveling Abroad

It seems hard not to turn on the news and see or hear about another event related to terror in our world these days. From Manchester to London to Paris to Stockholm, we continue to see events unfold that are meant to cause harm and fear. For the many families who continue to travel domestically and abroad, it is of the utmost importance to do so safely and with exit and safety plans in place. Photo courtesy of MedJet I had the opportunity to visit via email with John Gobbels, the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Medjet. Medjet is based in Birmingham, Alabama. But their network of air ambulance and medical escort providers, and security experts, extends throughout the world. I learned more about how Medjet works and how travelers can focus on keeping themselves and their families safe while traveling domestically and abroad. John also shared more information on Medjet memberships, providing families and travelers with a global rescue service network at their fingertips...